Archangel Michael

Dear Oscar

I am asking Archangel Michael to intercede for you. He is my favourite of the archangels, although I love them all. But Michael guards against fear and its effects and he will shield you from negative energies if you ask for his protection. Archangels do not interfere in our lives unless we ask for their help, so please don’t be afraid to ask him. He will help you understand the purpose of your life and will also help you rebuild your reputation. He defends all who are pure and will stand guard at your door. If ever you see a glint of gold, purple or royal blue light, these are his colours to prove that he is with you. Here is an affirmation to him by Doreen Virtue:

“Dear Archangel Michael, please surround me, my loved ones, and my home with your royal purple light to dissipate and ward off any lower energies. Please guide me clearly so that I may only interact with people who are living in truth and integrity”.

Love to you from Sally (UK)

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